Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Analysis about psychological phenomenon student of junior high school

Analysis about psychological phenomenon student of junior high school class eight(8).
** There are linear equation with two variable
3x + 3y = 3 …….….(1)
2x – 4y = 14 ……….(2)
Find the value of 4x – 3y = ……?

** The solution of the linear equation is can be solve with elimination method.
The first equation multiply with 2 and second equation multiply with 3.
Then, the first equation minus second equation.
We obtain 6x + 6y = 6
6x – 12 y = 42
18 y = 36
y = 2
substitution the value of y = 2 to the first equation.
We obtain 3x + 3(2) = 3
3x + 6 = 3
3x = -6
x = -1
Substitution the value of y = 2 and x = -1 to the equation 4x – 3y= 4(-1) – 3(2)
= -4 – 6
= -10
So, the conclusion of the equation is the value of 4x – 3y = -10

** I was made a question about the linear equation to student of junior high school, exactly to class eight(8). I ask to the children in my neighbourhood to do the question. Her name is Prisma. She is a student in SMP N Kedungreja. Now, she is stay in class eight. I ask her to do this question. I show the psychological phenomenon of her self when she try to find the solution of the question. We do that in my home at Saturday, 20th December 2008 at 14.00 pm. At the moment she do this, she is in happy mood and nothing problem because she was finished the final test of this semester. She is clever, because in her school she’s get rank 1 in class. And she ever follow Olympiad of mathematics and she’s get rank 3. Her teacher also love her because her ability. I know that she was did not have any activities from her mother and she said that she was finished the examination, so she can help me to do this question. I also ask permission to her parents and surely to Prisma. They are agree and support me and Prisma to do this. Prisma need 8 minutes to find the solution of the question. She do that with easily. In her face, not saw that she feel trouble to solve the question. She also not ask me to help her do that. She do that alone. For her, this question not too difficult because in her school she was studied this topic ( linear equation with two variable). After she finished the question, I to examine her answer and that all true. She is very happy because she can solve the true solution of the question with not too much time.

1 comment:

Dr. Marsigit, M.A said...

Great work and nice to read (Dosen: Dr. Marsigit)